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BEST IN SHOW Pet Portraits
hand painted in oil by
Karen Seltzer

Karen Seltzer
Aug 1, 2022
Ben's wife is going to be surprised!
Ben wanted to surprise his wife on her birthday with 4 portraits of their dogs they've had over the years. Here they are Vienna, Violet,...

Karen Seltzer
Feb 1, 2019
Custom portrait of Hamilton, the Dalmation
Linda W, FL, said " My husband's gonna love it!!! about Hamilton's custom portrait. It was fun painting his liver colored spots. 8 x 8...

Karen Seltzer
Nov 19, 2018
The Holiday Rush
The holiday orders have been pouring in! Right now I have 10 paintings in the works and 5 more to start. I'm happy with the great pet...

Karen Seltzer
Sep 8, 2018
Marcy's memorial gift for Gail, of her beloved dog Echo, who recently passed away. 6" x 6", oil on canvas & photo #custompetportrait...

Karen Seltzer
Aug 30, 2018
Sunny, the Cocker Spaniel
Just sent Barbara a photo, of the pet portrait she commissioned me to paint of her sister's Cocker Spaniel, who she lost recently....

Karen Seltzer
Jul 30, 2018
Commissioned pet portrait of Lulu the Schnoodle
8" x 10", oil on canvas. Marlene, who lives in Washington State, sent photos of her "smart, mischievous, lively girl - 24 pounds of pure...

Karen Seltzer
May 28, 2018
Jackson, the Golden Retriever
#petartist #goldenretriever #petpaintings #customoilpainting #doglover #dogportrait #dogs #Golden #oilpaintingsanimals #animalart

Karen Seltzer
Apr 23, 2018
Custom Portrait of Moose, the English Bulldog.
#customoilpainting #doglover #englishbulldog #Bulldog #bulldogportrait #Bulldogpainting #phototopainting #customart #customdogpainting...

Karen Seltzer
Apr 4, 2018
Reina - Indy Mutt Strut's TOP DOG 2018
For the last seven years, I've painted a custom portrait as an award, for the winner/top fundraiser each year. Mutt Strut is the largest...

Karen Seltzer
Mar 26, 2018
Allison's Pet Portraits
One of my best pet portrait client's is Allison, a pet lover, who's adopted many animals over the years. Her newest adoptees are Johnny,...

Karen Seltzer
Feb 28, 2018
Miss Gatsby, Oil on Canvas
Allison commissioned this oil painting of Miss Gatsby for her Mom's birthday. "Every person, including my mom, has been blown away by the...

Karen Seltzer
Jan 3, 2018
Jane's Commissioned Pet Portraits
Jane, of Colorado, has ordered many pet portraits from me over the last 5 years for her friends and family. Here are a few that I painted...

Karen Seltzer
Nov 13, 2017
Little Anna Looking Chic
6 x 6 oil on canvas. #petpaintings #customdogpainting #petportrait #bestinshowpetportraits #dogs #dogart #animal #mutts #dogportrait...

Karen Seltzer
Sep 30, 2017
Cassie, the Shihtzu
#fineartamo #petpaintings #oilpaintingsanimals #bestinshowpetportraits #customdogpainting #animal #animalart #shihtzu

Karen Seltzer
Aug 30, 2017
5 Pet Portraits Painted for Sami
Sami, of Burbank, CA, commissioned me to paint his dog Matilda (the one with the red coat) and four other pet portraits as a surprise...

Karen Seltzer
May 4, 2017
Custom Portrait of Mutt Strut's 2017 TOP DOG
Mutt Strut is the largest annual fundraiser for the Humane Society of Indianapolis, held at the Indianapolis Motor Speedway every year....

Karen Seltzer
Apr 3, 2017
Adele's Pet Portrait
#customdogpainting #petportrait #dogportrait #bestinshowpetportraits #animalart #dogart
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